Wed 3-July-2024

Jerusalemite citizens hold sit-in against home demolitions

Sunday 20-March-2022

Dozens of Palestinian citizens from the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber participated on Sunday in a sit-in against home demolitions held outside the headquarters of the Israeli municipality in the occupied holy city.

The participants chanted slogans condemning what they called Israel’s “racist” practices against them in particular and their compatriots in other areas of the holy city in general.

They carried placards in Arabic and Hebrew calling for stopping demolition of homes in Jerusalem and pledging to remain steadfast on their land.

One of the citizens whose home is threatened with demolition said that this was the fifth sit-in organized in recent months in front of the Israeli municipality’s building to protest its demolition and displacement practices in east Jerusalem neighborhoods.

“We attended the sit-in to deliver a clear message stating that we will neither demolish our homes with our own hands as requested by the occupation municipality nor allow its machinery to demolish them” he said.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian territories (OCHA) the Israeli authorities demolished 175 Palestinian properties in east Jerusalem between January 25 and February 7 2022.

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