Sun 22-September-2024

Jerusalemite forced to demolish his home

Friday 13-August-2021

The Jerusalemite family of Abdullah Talib Khudair from Beit Hanina town in Occupied Jerusalem on Thursday preferred to raze their house which consisted of five apartments rather than allowing Jewish settlers to live in it.

Samir al-Sa`u a relative of the Khudair family confirmed that his relative Abdullah Khudair had opted to demolish his home and the homes of his sons otherwise the settlers would have seized them.

Sa`u pointed out that the Israeli occupation municipality in Jerusalem had notified Khudair’s family to evacuate their home within 20 days and the period ended on Thursday after which they should leave their homes and allow settlers to live in them.

He stressed that Khudair’s family will not leave their land because they possess ownership documents of the land and had set up tents over the rubble of their house.

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