Sat 5-October-2024

Jerusalemite merchants impoverished by Israeli “tax war” blockade

Tuesday 30-May-2017

As Palestinians gear up to celebrate holy Ramadan the Israeli blockade and crackdowns slapped on Occupied Jerusalem continue to mar life for civilians as it does for merchants.

Speaking with PIC Jerusalemite merchants have sounded distress signals over the heavy losses inflicted by the steep fines imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities and arbitrary closures of their shops under the security pretext.

“We used to live in peace until Israel set up its apartheid fence in 2000. Our brothers and sisters in the occupied West Bank can no longer reach Jerusalem markets” Jerusalemite trader Ahmed Dendis who owns a shop near the main entrance to Bab al-Amoud said.

Tough restrictions limiting the access of Palestinians from 1948 Occupied Palestine (Green Line) to Jerusalem markets have also been imposed by the Israeli authorities resulting in a sharp nosedive in economic gains.

“The Israeli forces made use of the anti-occupation attacks carried out near Bab al-Amoud to tighten noose around Jerusalemites’ neck and destabilize the commercial movement” explained Dendis.

The exorbitant “tax-war” waged by the occupation authorities across Jerusalem’s Old City has added insult to injury. Such taxes included Arnona imposed on holders of property at an estimated sum of $80 per every square meter commercial or residential owned by Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem.

Jerusalem traders slammed the apathy maintained by the concerned authorities as regards such a calamitous state of affairs. Several traders have gone on the breadline as a result of the oppressive Israeli measures.

According to updated statistics 75% of Palestinians residing in Occupied Jerusalem live below the poverty line. Unemployment has rocked 30% of Palestinian youth in the city.

Meat trader Khedr al-Natsha spoke out against the damage wrought by the Israeli blockade on Occupied Jerusalem. The situation has taken a turn for the worse due to the swift price hike along with the decline in civilians’ purchasing power as a result of poverty and unemployment.

Al-Natsha said dozens of shoppers abandoned al-Misrara market due to the heavy fines imposed on drivers parking their cars in the area.

Palestinian merchant Tawfiq al-Hulwani attributed the dramatic recession in the buy-and-sell process to the bans and age restrictions slapped by the Israeli authorities on worshipers from the occupied West Bank.

Shortly before the advent of Ramadan a month of unparalleled sacredness for the Muslim community the occupation authorities opted for a round of restrictions limiting Muslims’ access to the holy al-Aqsa Mosque and Occupied Jerusalem.

Those aged below 30 years-old are automatically banned from praying at the site. Those aged between 30 and 40 have to obtain special permits to enter the Mosque on Fridays. Only those aged above 40 are allowed access into the site.

Palestinian trader Essam al-Zagheir pointed out the socio-economic fallouts of Israel’s flag parade carried out over recent days and which forced merchants to shut down their shops.

Administrative staff member of Jerusalem’s Commercial Chamber Mustafa Abu Zahra told the PIC that Palestinian merchants have been enduring an exacerbated economic situation due to the Israeli restrictions.

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