Mon 16-September-2024

Jewish settlers open fire at homes in Sheikh Jarrah

Thursday 30-December-2021

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Wednesday eveningterrorized Jerusalemite citizens and opened fire at their homes in SheikhJarrah neighborhood while Israeli police officers who protected the settlerskidnaped a local child.

According to local sources settlers opened fire at somehomes in Sheikh Jarrah despite the intensive presence of police forces at thewestern entrance to the neighborhood.

Police officers also kidnaped 13-year-old Anas Ja’bari fromthe neighborhood following the settler attack on homes.

In retaliation Palestinian youths threw stones and Molotov cocktailstowards the settlers before a large number of police forces stormed theneighborhood to protect the latter. One settler was reportedly injured in hishead during the events.

Meanwhile violent clashes broke out on the evening of thesame day between local youths and Israeli soldiers in areas near the towns of Lubbanash-Sharqiya and Beita south of Nablus.

Local sources told Quds Press that the clashes started afterlocal youths stood in the face of settler provocations at the main entrance toLubban ash-Sharqiya town.

Lubban ash-Sharqiya mayor Yaqoub Owais said that dozens ofviolent settlers escorted by soldiers stormed the main entrance to the town andembarked on provoking local residents.

Owais added that several local youths and men were alreadyon alert for possible settler attacks and prevented the settlers from enteringthe town to attack homes and property.

Another round of clashes also broke out last night nearBeita town after local youths torched tires near Mount Sobeih where an illegalsettler outpost is located.

Every once in a while local youths rally near the mount andset dozens of tires on fire as part of daily evening and night protests theystage in the area to force the Israeli occupation army to dismantle the outposton Mount Sobeih which overlooks Palestinian towns.

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