Thu 6-February-2025

Journalist Maali transferred to Israeli Megiddo lock-up

Monday 7-November-2016

The detained Palestinian journalist Khaled Maali was transferred to theIsraeli Megiddo jail human rights groups told his family on Sunday evening.

Thedetainee’s son Quteiba said human rights sources told them that his father islocked up in the Megiddo prison pending his interrogation.

Headded that his father’s fate and conditions in the Israeli prison remain unknown.

Thefamily voiced deep concern over Khaled’s health status especially that he hasbeen diagnosed with chronic cardio-vascular diseases and hypertension. Khaledreportedly takes life-saving medicines on a daily basis.

JournalistKhaled Maali earned a PhD in political media studies from The Hague University andan MA in political development from An-Najah University.

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