Mon 16-September-2024

Kufr Qasim a massacre that will never be forgotten

Friday 31-October-2014

“We will never forgive we will never forget” that was what 48-Palestinians who commemorated the 58th anniversary of Kufr Qasim massacre expressed.

They stressed that no matter how many years passed since it was committed this heinous crime will always remain alive in their minds.

And after a long day of rallies speeches condemning the tragedy raising black flags on the buildings and the monument and an all-out strike Kufr Qasim returned to normal life against the will of the Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA).

Adel Bdeer the head of Kufr Qasim Municipality said: “life must go on. However people of Kufr Qasim always remember the massacre and the victims and will never forgive”.

Angrily and sadly Muna Mansoor a student from the High School for Girls in Kufr Qasim said: “We will always be faithful to our martyrs and yesterday’s massive rally is a clear evidence of the unity of 48-Palestinians against the occupation and that they still remember that horrific massacre”. She added: “And we will continue seeking to prosecute the criminals until they are punished this crime will not be forgotten with the lapse of time”.

48- Palestinians don’t accept what Golda Meir a former prime minister of Israel said commenting on the brutality of the Israeli Occupation forces: “Old people die and young people forget”.

Wednesday was the 58th anniversary of Kufr Qasim massacre which was committed on 29October1956. Back then Kufr Qasim was located on the green line between Israel and Jordan when the Israeli Border Guards killed 48 Arab civilians including women and 23 children ranging in age from 8 to 17 years old. Other sources reported that the number of victims was 49 counting a baby who died in his mother’s womb.

And according to the Palestinian Encyclopedia the leadership of the Zionist occupation army imposed a curfew in the Arab villages adjacent to the borders inside “Israel” from 5:00 pm to 6:00 am and it was firmly declared that whoever violates this curfew will not be arrested but shot.

And at 5:00 pm the massacre started resulting in the death of 43 martyrs in the western end of the village 3 martyrs in the northern end of the village 2 martyrs inside the village and an 11-year-old boy in a nearby village.

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