Sun 6-October-2024

Martyrdom of ex-prisoner of medical neglect

Tuesday 12-January-2021

The released Jerusalemite prisoner Muhammad Salah al-Din from Hizma town northeast of Jerusalem died on Monday evening due to the medical neglect in the Israeli occupation prisons.

On July 8 2020 the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) announced that the prisoner Salah al-Din had been diagnosed with cancer. He was released a few months ago after his case was brought before a special court that decided to release him early due to the seriousness of his condition.

The IPS claimed that Salah al-Din had suffered from cancer for years while he was sentenced on April 7 2019 to two years in prison with no proven illness.

Approximately 700 prisoners in the occupation prisons are sick of whom 300 suffer from chronic diseases and more than ten of them suffer from cancer.

The Palestine Center for Prisoners Studies held the Israeli occupation authorities responsible for the death of Salah al-Din 20 as a result of his suffering from cancer which he contracted during his detention in the occupation prisons.

The Palestine Center stated in a statement that Salah al-Din was arrested in April of 2019 and was sentenced to two years in prison. After a year and two months of his arrest his health declined as he began to suffer from swelling in his hands and feet. The prison’s doctor only gave him Acamol.

The Center added that the prisoner’s health deteriorated and he could no longer bear the pain which forced the IPS to transfer him to Ramla prison clinic. In Ramla tests proved that he suffers from cancer at an advanced stage as a result of not being taken care of at an early stage.

The IPS agreed to release him in August 2020 on an exceptional basis after his health condition had declined. Since his release he was transferred from one hospital to another in an attempt to relieve his pain until he was martyred on Monday evening according to the Center.

Medical clinics in Israeli prisons lack the minimum level of health services necessary medical equipment and medicines and specialist doctors to examine and treat various diseases.

The denial of medical care the deliberate procrastination in providing treatment to the sick and injured prisoners the oppression humiliation and torture that the Israeli arresting and interrogation teams use are among the methods of physical and psychological torture that Palestinian prisoners are subjected to.

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