Sat 5-October-2024

OCHA: Israel displaced 42 Palestinians in two weeks

Saturday 20-March-2021

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Israeli authorities demolished or seized 26 Palestinian structures mostly homes during two weeks in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In its biweekly report on Israeli violations on Friday OCHA explained that the demolition measures were carried out during the period 2 – 15 March 2021 at the pretext that the owners had no Israeli-issued building permits.

The demolitions displaced 42 people including 24 children and affected about 120 people according to its report.

17 of the structures and all of the displaced people were recorded by OCHA in Area C of the West Bank. Two buildings were demolished in Ein Shibli village (Nablus) displacing 17 people on the basis of military order 1797 which allows for demolitions within 96 hours of the issuance of a removal order.

The remaining displacement incidents resulted from the demolition of four homes in at-Tuwani Khallet ed-Dabaa communities in al-Khalil and in Beit Jala in Bethlehem.

The livelihood of 20 people was affected by the demolition of a vegetable stall near Qalqilya city while 16 people were affected by the demolition of two uninhabited houses and the confiscation of one metal container in Isteih (Jericho). Two of the nine structures targeted in east Jerusalem were demolished by the owner following Israeli threats.

During the reporting period Israeli forces carried out 193 search-and-arrest operations and arrested 172 Palestinians including 15 children across the West Bank and Jerusalem.

62 Palestinians including nine children were also injured by Israeli forces across the West Bank.

As for settler crimes the report said that Jewish settlers injured six Palestinians in al-Khalil governorate and damaged Palestinian-owned property including vehicles and trees.

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