Mon 20-May-2024

PA foreign affairs ministry criticizes statement made by Solana

Monday 4-December-2006

Gaza – The foreign affairs ministry has expressed surprise Monday at statements uttered by EU foreign policy coordinator Javier Solana alleging that the Hamas-led PA government lost precious opportunity to get the economic blockade lifted and described those statements as “dubious and untrue”.

In a statement it issued in criticizing Solana’s remarks and a copy was faxed to the PIC the ministry criticized the European official over those “erroneous comments” considering it as “false and flagrant interference in purely Palestinian internal affair”.

“Solana being a representive of the European democracy should have urged the world to respect the democratic will of the Palestinian people and to accept results of the Palestinian legislative elections that Hamas overwhelmingly won and to lift the unjust economic siege imposed by the USA and the EU on the Palestinian people for practicing that democratic right” the statements underlined.

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