Fri 20-September-2024

PA government denounces assault on its premises in Gaza

Tuesday 9-January-2007

GAZA (PIC)– The PA government on Monday denounced the attack last night on its premises in Gaza at the hands of a number of armed men affiliated with the saboteurs within Fatah faction.

The government in a statement said that the attack damaged walls and property in the building charging that such criminal acts pointed to the intention on the part of those saboteurs to go ahead in their plans to create a state of instability in the Palestinian street.

The Hamas-formed government said that the culprits should stand trial for their “serious” violations.

The armed elements fired at the council of ministers’ building in Gaza city in line with a series of rowdy incidents spearheaded by a number of Fatah leaders who encouraged by the USA and Israel do not wish to see Hamas ruling in the PA.


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