Fri 25-October-2024

PCOM on the recent developments of the Palestinian reconciliation

Tuesday 19-September-2017

Over the last week a senior delegation from Hamas led by its chairman Ismail Haniyeh has been holding high level talks in Cairo under the auspices of the Egyptian Intelligence in the context of the Movement’s keenness to heal the rift in the Palestinian arena and end the humanitarian suffering of the Palestinian people. As a result of these talks Sunday September 17th 2017 Hamas announced the following:

1. Dissolving the Gaza Administrative Committee that was ruling Gaza Strip to promote Palestinian reconciliation.

2. Hamas demanded an end for the series of measures taken by President Mahmoud Abbas against Gaza Strip early this year and to resume power supply to abort the early retirement scheme for certain Strip officials to vow to allow patients transfer to hospitals outside Gaza among other measures.

3. Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority government of Rami Alhamdallah to come immediately to Gaza and assume its responsibilities.

4. Calling for new general elections.

5. Hamas also declared its readiness to respond to the Egyptian invitation for dialogue with Fatah to execute the 2011 Cairo agreement as a prelude to forming a national unity government.

The spokesperson of Hamas thanked Egypt for its “generous mediation efforts” which endeavored to “achieve national unity”. In addition several Hamas leaders confirmed the high commitment of Hamas to end Palestinian division therefore Hamas is going very flexible and open to any proposal and initiative that can lead to Palestinian unity.

Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouq Hamas International Relations Chief said from Cairo that a serious decision to go for reconciliation is required from Fatah and President Abbas. Abu Marzouq also mentioned that some Hamas leaders will settle in Cairo for couple of months to follow up different issues with the Egyptian leadership.

Chairman of Hamas Ismail Haniyeh phoned President Mahmoud Abbas in the evening of September 18 saying that “Hamas is committed to move forward and end the division and unite the Palestinian people in the face of the risks and challenges surrounding our cause”. Haniyeh also wished President Abbas success in consolidating the Palestinian political message stressing the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their rights during his participation in the meetings of the United Nations’ General Assembly.

Local and International stands
Senior Fatah leaders such Azzam Alahmad and Mahmoud Aloul welcomed the Hamas move saying that this is a step in the right direction and it will enhance the unity of the Palestinians and end division.

Major Palestinian factions in a joint statement have applauded the Hamas Movement for showing keenness on ending the national division and urged the leadership of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority to respond positively to the initiative and lift its veto on its implementation of the agreements it had signed with Hamas.

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it welcomes the recent statement by Hamas announcing the dissolution of the Administrative Committee in Gaza. The statement urged all parties to use this opportunity to turn a new page for the Palestinian people and prop up national consensus. The ministry stressed Turkey’s unending support for Palestinian unity which it said makes part of the country’s tireless efforts to boost peace in the region.

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov expressed support for Hamas’s willingness to reconcile with the Fatah movement. Mladenov welcomed developments this week saying that “Reconciliation is critical to addressing the grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza preventing the continuing militant buildup and restoring hope for the future”. Mladenov urged all parties to “seize the current positive momentum” in order to “immediately take up its responsibilities in Gaza”.

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