Fri 20-September-2024

PPS calls for revealing fate of wounded prisoners in Negev jail

Tuesday 2-April-2019

The Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) has called on international human rights groups working in Palestine to intervene to know the fate of the prisoners in section 3 of the Negev jail after they were assaulted isolated and punished.

According to the PPS the number of the wounded in section 3 have totaled 120 prisoners and they suffer different injuries including fractures in hands arms and pelvises broken teeth bullet injuries and head chest and eye injuries.

82 prisoners of those wounded suffered head injuries and 76 others had bruises after they exposure to brutal beatings by Israeli forces.

In this regard other prisoners in the Negev jail refused on Sunday to take their daily meals in order to pressure the jail administration to allow them to visit their fellow inmates in section 3 and check on their health conditions.

Recently the administration of the Negev jail held internal trials for the prisoners of section 3 issued financial penalties against them isolated them and took many other punitive measures against them.

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