Fri 25-October-2024

PRC addresses UK foreign minister on prisoners and Gaza blockade

Friday 26-May-2017

The Palestinian Return Center (PRC) wrote a letter to the British foreign minister Boris Johnson urging his government to take measures to improve the conditions of the besieged Gaza Strip and put an end to the suffering of the hunger striking prisoners in Israeli jails.

The PRC expressed deep concern over the daily suffering the ten-year blockade has been causing to more than two million people in Gaza and considered it a collective punishment that violates the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The PRC confirmed in the letter its support for the Palestinian prisoners who have been on hunger strike since mid-April 2017 and for their legitimate demands which include ending administrative detention allowing regular family visits and improving medical care which are guaranteed by the international law.

The Center said that in addition to depriving the prisoners of their basic rights the Israel Prison Service continues to pursue punitive policies against them to make them end the strike including solitary confinement force-feeding and denial of family visits.

It called on the British foreign minister and the British government to take strong measures to ensure that Israel takes the international law into consideration when dealing with the Palestinians.

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