Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian injured by IOF gunfire in Arroub refugee camp

Monday 7-March-2022

One Palestinian citizen suffered from a bullet injury and many others from inhaling tear gas during clashes on Sunday with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil City.

According to local sources violent clashes broke out between dozens of local youths and Israeli soldiers in al-Arroub camp after the latter blocked its main entrance with a road barrier.

Media sources said that one citizen was injured in his leg and rushed to a local hospital in al-Khalil City.

Paramedics also said that they provided medical assistance for dozens of citizens in the camp after they suffered from their exposure to tear gas fumes during the events.

Meanwhile the IOF closed on the same day the main entrance of Sinjil town in northern Ramallah with concrete blocks and mounds of rocks and dirt.

According to local sources a bulldozer escorted by soldiers blocked the northern road leading to the town and prevented the local residents from using it.

The Israeli occupation army has a military post in the northern area of the town and bars local farmers from working hundreds of dunums of nearby land belonging to them.

Extremist Jewish settlers also storm olive groves around the town repeatedly to steal crops and destroy trees.

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