Tue 17-September-2024

Palestinian killed dozens injured on 14th Friday of Anger protests

Friday 9-March-2018

A Palestinian young man was killed while dozens injured by Israeli gunfire in protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Friday over the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said that Mohammed al-Ja’bari a 24-year-old youth with a disability died after sustaining serious injuries during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in al-Zawiya area in al-Khalil.

In Occupied Jerusalem the PIC reporter said that nearly 50000 Palestinian worshipers performed Friday prayer at al-Aqsa Mosque amid strict Israeli security measures.

Dozens of Palestinian citizens performed Friday prayer in al-Shuhadaa square in Nablus as a protest step at the US Jerusalem move.

Sheikh Ahmad Shoubash during his Friday sermon warned of the consequences of the US administration’s decision to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem on the anniversary of the establishment of Israel (Palestinian 1948 Nakba).

In another context Shoubash called for escalating solidarity campaigns with the Palestinian prisoners especially those held in Israeli jails without charge or trial.

Four Palestinians were injured by live and rubber bullets in clashes between Palestinian youths and the IOF in al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village south of Nablus according to the PIC reporter.

A number of Palestinians suffered breathing difficulties after the IOF soldiers showered them with tear gas canisters to protect a group of Israeli settlers who attacked Palestinian houses in Einabus village south of Nablus.

In a related context violent clashes erupted in Burin town but no injuries or arrests were reported. Meanwhile a Palestinian boy was arrested while injured during clashes in Madama town south of Nablus.

Local sources reported that confrontations flared up between Palestinian youths and the IOF soldiers in al-Mazra’a al-Gharbiya village and at the northern entrance to al-bireh city during which the soldiers heavily fired tear gas canisters sound bombs and rubber bullets.

Wafa news agency said quoting local sources that dozens of Palestinians in Ni’lin village west of Ramallah rallied near the apartheid wall in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners Ahed al-Tamimi and Israa al-Ja’abis and in protest at the US Jerusalem move.

The IOF heavily fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the protesters causing dozens of suffocation cases.

Other injuries were reported in the IOF quelling of the weekly demonstration against settlement in Qalqilya’s village of Kafr Qaddum.

Meanwhile in the Gaza Strip demonstrations and protests were launched in different areas of the costal enclave against the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the decade-long blockade.

Gaza’s Ministry of Health said that about 10 Palestinians were injured by the IOF gunfire in clashes along Gaza’s eastern border fence.

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