Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian prisoner continues his hunger strike for 18th day

Monday 23-December-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)- Palestinian prisoner Ali Daana from Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem has continued his open hunger strike for the 18th day in a row  protesting the Israeli arbitrary transfer policy.

Daana detained in Negev prison was arrested in 2003 and sentenced to 20 years. He refused the Israeli arbitrary transfer policy practiced against him in Negev prison where he was forced to move from one section to another.

For its part the prison administration isolated him in solitary confinement for 18 days which prompted him to declare hunger strike.

On the other hand the Israeli occupation authority released on Sunday the Palestinian prisoner Ayman Issa Hamdan after 130 days on hunger strike.

Ayman Hamdan 32 was released on Sunday after spending 15 months in Ofer prison family sources said.

Hamdan has been held in administrative detention since his arrest on 22th of August 2012. He launched in April an open hunger strike that lasted for 130 days in a row which led to a serious deterioration in his health condition.

He spent three and a half months in hospital to receive treatment due to the hunger strike’s implications.

Ahrar Center for Prisoners’ Studies stated that some Palestinian prisoners who had separately declared hunger strike have managed to achieve their demands; however putting an end to the Israeli administrative detention policy has not been achieved yet.

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