Tue 2-July-2024

Palestinian scholars call for forming Islamic alliance to defend J’lem

Thursday 28-December-2017

The Association of Palestinian Scholars has called for establishing an Islamic alliance to defend Occupied Jerusalem led by Muslim religious figures from around the Arab and Islamic worlds.

This came during a meeting held on Wednesday by the association in the Omari Mosque in Gaza where several noted Palestinian scholars delivered speeches on Jerusalem and highlighted the need to defend it by all Muslims.

“We call upon the Islamic countries to sever any relations with the Zionist entity and the United States of America” one of the scholars said on behalf of the association.

He stressed that the Muslim nation is religiously responsible for supporting and protecting Jerusalem and its people and called for helping the Palestinian people liberate their land.

The scholar also underlined the importance of consolidating the national unity in order to confront the Zio-American schemes that target Jerusalem.

“Today we call on the [Muslim] nation from Palestine to move to curb Israel’s madness. You must move quickly to defend the Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian cause” he said.

“Palestine needs your money your support and your armies because Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque can only be liberated through struggle and resistance and not through talks and negotiations” he added.

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