Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinians injured as IOF quells West Bank protests

Saturday 5-October-2019

A number of Palestinian citizens were injured on Saturday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked a demonstration in support of hunger-striking prisoners in Israeli jails near Ofer Prison in Ramallah.

The march was launched from Birzeit University and was met with tear gas bombs. Dozens of students and activists suffered breathing difficulties as a result of inhaling tear gas and were treated in the field.

Meanwhile in Jenin dozens of Palestinians took to the streets in support of the Palestinian detainee Tareq Qa’dan who has been on hunger strike for 67 days in protest at his administrative detention and other hunger strikers.

The demonstrators raised portraits of the hunger-striking detainees chanted slogans supporting them and called for more pressure on the Israeli authorities to respond to their demands.

Six Palestinians are currently on hunger strike in Israeli jails protesting their detention administratively without charge or trial.

The Israeli occupation is holding about 5700 Palestinian prisoners in its lock-ups including 230 children 48 women 500 administrative detainees and 1800 prisoners with serious health problems.

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Palestinians injured as IOF quells West Bank protests

Friday 7-June-2019

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday violently quelled several protests in the West Bank injuring a number of Palestinian demonstrators.

Local sources said that a Palestinian youth was injured by a live bullet and others choked on tear gas during an anti-settlement demonstration in Kafr Qaddum village in Qalqilya.

Violent clashes broke out following a peaceful march in Beit Ummar village in al-Khalil between Palestinian youths and IOF soldiers.

Meanwhile the IOF attacked dozens of Palestinians protesting against the apartheid wall and settlements in Bil’in village in Ramallah with tear gas bombs injuring many of them and burning neighboring olive fields.

Local sources reported that the protesters raised Palestine flags roamed the streets of Bil’in and chanted slogans calling for ending the occupation liberating prisoners and allowing refugees to return to their lands.

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Palestinians injured as IOF quells West Bank protests

Friday 17-May-2019

A number of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked weekly demonstrations in the West Bank.

Local sources reported that four Palestinians were injured in the IOF quelling of Kafr Qaddum march in Qalqilya.

The PIC reporter said that the IOF soldiers met the peaceful protesters with rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters.

Meanwhile the IOF attacked an anti-settlement demonstration in Ni’lin village in Ramallah and heavily fired tear gas at the protesters.

Local residents said that many olive trees in the neighboring fields were burned by the tear gas bombs fired by the IOF.

Hundreds of Palestinians on Friday took to the streets in different West Bank villages and towns to mark the 71st anniversary of the Nakba.

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Palestinians injured as IOF quells West Bank protests

Friday 12-April-2019

A number of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently quelled peaceful demonstrations in Qalqilya and Ramallah in the West Bank.

Dozens of Palestinians took to the streets in Kafr Qaddum village east of Qalqilya to protest Israel’s settlement policy and call for opening the village’s road which has been closed for 15 years.

Activist Murad Shtewi said that the IOF heavily fired rubber-coated metal bullets tear gas canisters and stun grenades at the demonstrators injuring many of them.

Another demonstration was organized in Bil’in village west of Ramallah following Friday prayer toward the apartheid wall in the southern area of the village.

Palestinian villagers and foreign peace activists took part in the demonstration and chanted slogans supporting the hunger-striking detainees in Israeli jails.

The IOF met the marchers with stun grenades and tear gas canisters. Dozens suffered breathing difficulties and were treated in the field.

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