Fri 5-July-2024

Palestinians mark Al-Aqsa arson anniversary

Monday 22-August-2022

Palestinians marked on Sunday (21/8/2022) the 53rd anniversary of an arson attack on al-Aqsa Mosque by an extremist Jew (Australian by nationality) called Denis Michael Rohan in 1969.

On August 21 1969 Rohan set fire to al-Aqsa Mosque destroying several parts of the historic mosque including a 1000-year-old wood-and-ivory pulpit dating back to the time of celebrated Muslim conqueror Saladin.

The blaze also destroyed the mihrab (prayer niche) of Muslim Caliph Omar bin al-Khattab along with large sections of the mosque’s heavily-ornamented interior and gilded wooden dome.

Two days after the attack Rohan was arrested by the Israeli authorities who said he suffered from mental illness eventually deporting him back to his native country Australia.

Al-Aqsa Preacher was in the scene

Speaking to the PIC reporter the preacher of al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Ikrima Sabri remembered the day of the arson attack.

People were queuing in long lines to bring water and soil from the neighboring houses to put out the fire he said.

It took long hours to put out the fire as West Bank firefighters were prevented access to Occupied Jerusalem he added.

While it took hours to put out the fire a good section of the eastern part of the mosque was ravaged valuable historical architecture belonging to the era of the antiquity.

Sheikh Sabri accused the Israeli occupation authorities of being involved in the arson attack as the flammable materials used during the attack were not available in markets but only with armies.

The arson attack was carried out by a group of culprits he said. However only one man was detained and later released on mental health grounds he added.

Sheikh Sabri said that it took them 20 years to restore the holy shrine following the incident.

Threats did not stop

Sheikh Ikrima Sabri pointed out that attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque did not stop but rather escalated over the past years.

Israeli attacks on al-Aqsa include Jewish groups’ breaking-ins dangerous excavations worshipers’ arrests and entry restrictions in addition to restrictions on restoration work.

Sheikh Sabri concluded by saying that al-Aqsa is a pure Islamic holy site that only belongs to Muslims.

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