Fri 20-September-2024

Prisoner Abu Hamid in coma for 11 days

Saturday 15-January-2022

Palestinian prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid 49 has been in a coma for 11 days as a result of his suffering from an acute lung infection.

According to different Palestinian groups interested in prisoner affairs the health condition of cancer-stricken prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid is deteriorating rapidly and has reached a very critical and dangerous stage.

Abu Hamid does not respond to medical treatment and is still on a ventilator at the Barzilai Hospital a spokesperson for the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs said.

The Commission said it had submitted petitions to Israeli courts twice recently to compel the Israeli prison service to provide information about the latest developments in the health status of Abu Hamid and to allow his family to visit him again in the hospital but there were no responses from the courts.

The prisoner has recently suffered from a serious health deterioration but the Israeli prison service delayed his transfer to the hospital to which he was admitted a few days ago. He was also exposed to deliberate medical neglect over the past months.

In a related context the General Union of Palestine Students and the Student Youth Movement in Turkey organized a sit-in on Friday in solidarity with sick prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid and the Negev residents who are facing a frenzied repressive campaign at the hands of the Israeli police.

A number of students in Turkish universities participated in the sit-in which took place in the courtyard of the Fatih Mosque in Istanbul.

The participants carried Palestinian flags and solidarity placards and chanted slogans calling for urgent action to have prisoner Abu Hamid released and protect the Negev population against Israeli violations.

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