Fri 20-September-2024

Repeated attacks by settlers sabotage harvesting olives

Tuesday 23-October-2018

Settlers in the settlement of Yitzhar located south of Nablus in the northern West Bank continue to destroy all they could put their hands on during the olive harvest in the village of Burin using their weapons to threaten local Palestinians under the protection of the Israeli army.

As for settler attacks the head of the village council of Burin Yahya Qadous told the Palestinian Information Center that on Saturday 20 October 2018 “some ten villagers were injured by settlers who threw stones at them during the olive season.”

He added that the village is always subject to attacks by settlers during the olive season due to the village’s proximity to the settlement of Yitzhar due to the presence of extremist settlers in this settlement who every now and then throw stones at civilian vehicles.

Dangerous season
According to citizen and farmer Khalil Qadous settlers are increasing attacks on farmers each year and the olive season is under threat of these attacks and sometimes they steal the olive harvest as happened a few days ago.

The official responsible for the settlement profile in the northern West Bank Ghassan Daghlas warned of increasing settler attacks during the current olive season which took place in several villages and towns in the West Bank especially villages and towns south of Nablus including the village of Burin.

On Saturday (20/10/2018) Yesh Din human rights organization documented two incidents of stone-throwing at settlers from the settlement of Yitzhar located on the land of Palestinian villages in the area including the village of Burin.

Since the beginning of this month the organization has documented seven incidents of violence against the Palestinian population from the village of Burin and neighboring villages by settlers from the Yitzhar settlement and the Givat Ronin settlement outpost. A group of settlers assaulted Palestinian farmers who were working on their land in the village of Burin.

Destruction of land
On Saturday afternoon another group of more than 30 settlers attacked Palestinian houses in the village and caused destruction of agricultural land where five Palestinians were slightly injured by stone throwing and as a result of property damage. The organization noted that the occupation army attacked Palestinians and fired gas bombs at them while allowing settlers to continue throwing stones.

Researcher Khalid Maali pointed out that every year during the olive season settlers form groups from the settlements of Majdalim Ahiya Yitzhar to sabotage the olive harvest and to ruin the joy of Palestinian farmers who wait patiently to enjoy the season throughout the year.

In response to attacks he said Palestinian farmers assemble in groups during olive picking in villages south of Nablus for fear of settler attacks.

Maali also pointed out that volunteer campaigns are challenging and somewhat reducing settler attacks due to the large number of volunteers picking olives on bypass roads and near settlements.

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