Mon 16-September-2024

Shadeed: The Israeli occupation only understands the language of force

Sunday 26-September-2021

Senior Hamas official Abdul-Rahman Shadeed has affirmed that the Israeli occupation state only understands the language of force and can only be deterred by persistent resistance.

“While we consider martyrdom ‘an honor’ and martyrs ‘beacons of freedom this occupation only understands the language of force and can only be deterred by stubborn resistance that can turn its security into horror and avenge blood with blood” Shadeed said in press remarks on Sunday.

He condemned the crime of killing five Palestinians on Sunday in the West Bank as “a natural product of the Palestinian Authority’s security cooperation with the Israeli occupation.”

The Hamas official stressed that “addressing the world with a language of speeches and pleas are useless and cannot liberate land nor can it deter occupation.”

“We trust the free and honorable citizens of our people to take the lead point the compass in the right direction and avenge the crimes committed by the occupation” he said.

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