Fri 20-September-2024

Shadid calls on PA to release political captives in the West Bank

Friday 23-June-2017

The Hamas leader Abdurrahman Shadid called on the Palestinian Authority (PA) to immediately release the Palestinian political captives who are held in the jails of the PA security forces especially on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. which starts next Sunday.

Sahdid stressed in a press statement on Friday the importance to put an end to the political arrest policy which is being practiced by the PA security forces against Palestinians in the West Bank; mostly ex-detainees and university students.

The Hamas leader highlighted that the PA does not respect the Palestinian courts’ release orders issued for the political prisoners. He also slammed the PA for depriving Palestinian political detainees of spending the holy month of Ramadan with their families.

Shadid asked Palestinian factions and national leaders to intervene for halting the PA violations which run contrary to the Palestinian people norms and traditions.

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