Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat: IOA seeks to end Jordan’s custodianship of Aqsa Mosque

Tuesday 19-April-2022

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Occupied Jerusalem has warned that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) already began to impose the temporal and spatial division of the Aqsa Mosque on the ground.

In press remarks on Tuesday Bakirat accused the IOA of making efforts to impose its administrative control over the Aqsa Mosque and end Jordan’s role as the Hashemite custodian of the holy site.

He expressed his belief that the IOA seeks to enforce the Jewish culture on the Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity warning that such escalating Israeli aggression against the Mosque would have serious impacts on the general situation in the holy city.

The Jerusalemite official called for urgent international action to curb Israel’s growing violations in the holy city.

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