Mon 16-September-2024

Sheikh Kiswani warns of Jewish attempts to Judaize Aqsa Mosque

Wednesday 25-November-2020

Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani manager of the Aqsa Mosque has warned of attempts by extremist Jewish groups to turn the Aqsa Mosque into a Jewish religious center through collecting donations and persisting in defiling its sanctity on a daily basis.

“We are deeply concerned over extremist [Yehuda] Glick’s launch of a donation campaign at the Aqsa Mosque but we say to him that despite all the violations and attempts that are being committed by him and other extremists the Mosque will remain purely Islamic belonging exclusively to the Muslim nation” Sheikh Kiswani said in press remarks on Tuesday.

The Aqsa manager said that such donation campaign is aimed at provoking the feelings of the Muslims around the world and held the occupation state fully responsible for any consequences and angry reactions resulting from such provocations.

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