Mon 16-September-2024

Sheikh Sabri: Banning my travel will not stop me from defending Aqsa

Monday 16-May-2022

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri head of the Higher Islamic Council in Occupied Jerusalem has condemned the Israeli decision to ban his travel abroad for four months affirming that such measure would not dissuade him from defending the Aqsa Mosque.

“One of the blessings Allah has bestowed upon us that He has graced us with the honor of being stationed in Jerusalem and at the Aqsa Mosque so we will never leave these holy places God willing” Sheikh Sabri said in press remarks on Monday.

“This unjust decision will neither change my position nor prevent or deter me from performing my religious duty towards my people and nation. My defense of the Aqsa Mosque will not stop as long as I am still alive” he added.

Sheikh Sabri received on Sunday an order signed by the Israeli interior minister banning his travel abroad for four months at the pretext that his travel would pose a security threat.

Sheikh Sabri who is also a noted Aqsa preacher is exposed to systematic persecution by the Israeli occupation authority. He has been arrested interrogated and banned from entering the Aqsa Mosque and traveling to other countries several times before.

In this regard Hamas spokesman Abdul-Latif Qanu strongly denounced the Israeli travel ban that was issued against Sheikh Sabri describing it as a “crime” and a “violation of the most basic human rights” including the right to freedom of movement.

“The decision is a desperate attempt to muzzle the voice of our people and the role of their national figures in defending Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque and exposing the Israeli crimes which these holy places are exposed to” the spokesman stated on Monday.

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