Fri 5-July-2024

US campaign to oppose the Israeli Relations Normalization Act

Saturday 15-January-2022

The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) urged in a press release issued Friday members of Congress not to cosponsor or vote for H. R. 2748 / S. 1061 the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021.

It added “This bill encourages the expansion of the US-brokered Abraham Accords deeply transactional Trump era deals which sideline the voices and demands of the Palestinian people and allow de facto annexation to continue unabated.”

Sections of the bill employ language that could lead to restrictions against free speech supporting Palestinian rights while the bill also has provisions that could lead to penalizing organizations that do not support these accords the press release underlined.

It finally said “Although the bill purports to advance regional cooperation including in respect for human rights technological innovation healthcare climate and water scarcity it actively ignores Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights.”

The USCPR is a national network of activists and organizations who are committed to freedom justice and equality for the Palestinian people and who work to end US complicity in their oppression.

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