Fri 20-September-2024

Undercover Israeli units intensify assaults on anti-Trump protesters

Thursday 14-December-2017

Over recent days Israeli undercover troops have stepped up crackdowns on Palestinian protesters across the occupied West Bank inflaming tension in the area.

A video released on Wednesday shows a number of Palestinian anti-occupation youths being kidnapped by masked Israelis at the main entrance to al-Bireh and also near Beit El settlement as they protested Trump’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Activist Maher Abdullah from Ramallah said the Israeli forces have taken advantage of the fact that Palestinian protesters do not know each other very well as they come from different villages to join al-Bireh protests and clashes.

In a statement on Facebook Activist Khalil Abu Jumu’a said Israel’s undercover forces who showed up during recent protests are part of the Fourth Division of Israel’s Border Police Unit.

“The undercover cops wear plain clothes and pose for Palestinians putting on traditional dress codes to entrap Palestinian protesters during clashes and at flashpoints” he added.

A Palestinian young man called Khalil said he was shocked as he caught sight of his friend being kidnapped by undercover Israeli forces.

“My friend was throwing stones to protect himself. I stood behind him. Suddenly a gunman arrested him at gunpoint and threatened to arrest two journalists as they attempted to take live footages of the scene” said the eyewitness.

“A number of undercover officers pretended to throw stones on the occupation army as another trust-building tactic to trap Palestinian protesters” he added.

Defense for Children International have kept record of several cases where undercover Israeli units kidnapped Palestinian children below 18 years old and subjected them to harsh torture both during and after the detention phase. Dozens of minors have also been made to endure heavy beating so as to force confession.

Shortly after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital undercover troops have showed up across the occupied Palestinian territories chasing down protesters and cracking down on anti-occupation youths.

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