Mon 16-September-2024

Israel faces no delegitimization threats

Friday 10-December-2021

Israel’s allies are fond of adamantly asserting that they will oppose any efforts to delegitimize the settler-colonial state yet these “efforts” apart from singling out the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) are barely specified. Who is trying to delegitimize Israel internationally and how can that happen when the UN itself opposed international law and legitimized colonial violence? Israel delegitimizes itself daily – no one needs to lift a finger to even try it is so accomplished in rising above international law with complete impunity.

However such statements bolster Israel’s narrative that it is assailed with opposition. Recently it was the US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield who accused the UN of delegitimizing Israel’s existence. In tune with the fabrications expressed by Thomas-Greenfield US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides declared: “I will oppose all efforts to isolate and delegitimize Israel internationally.” If this is Nides’ main concern he can rest assured of a reduced workload. Unless he takes responsibility for illustrating to Israel how its illegitimate actions delegitimize it and have been doing so since the 1948 Nakba. If Nides does that he will usher in alternative politics but that is not Washington’s aim of course.

Israel enjoys unrivalled international support. The international community has normalized Israel’s violence to the point that it has become a topic on the UN agenda rather than war crimes that deserve punitive measures and justice. The UN has so far failed to thoroughly support the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) war crimes declaration preferring the safety of its non-binding resolutions that chastise Israel while making a mockery of Palestinians’ political rights.

The multitude of non-binding UN resolutions which Israel has grumbled about and the Palestinian Authority glorified have only delegitimized the Palestinian people’s political struggle. Israel wins even when Palestinians deserve a legitimate triumph. The way the international community has neglected the already faulty resolution on the Palestinian right of return can be showcased as an example of how the UN legitimized Israel’s presence and actions at the expense of the Palestinian people. Not one single resolution has pledged to undo the harm inflicted upon Palestinians when UNGA Resolution 194 established Israel’s existence prior to the rights of the dispossessed. The 1947 Partition Plan after all set the precedent for Resolution 194 and the disastrous ongoing aftermath.

When US diplomats speak about this absurd conspiracy of delegitimizing Israel they should recognize that there is no plan for the simple reason that the international community caters to Israel’s colonization plans. Such rhetoric is just embellishment for Israel’s plans and the dangerous predicament Palestinians find themselves in is that the international community is willing to adopt the “delegitimizing Israel” narrative to enable further Israeli violence against the Palestinian people. This is what Nides and his colleagues intend when they speak about Israel facing purported delegitimization threats – do not chastise Israel for breaking international law and committing war crimes. It is the greatest misfortune for Palestinians that the same political actors have decided both Israel’s impunity and Palestine’s fate.

– Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

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