Sun 19-May-2024

On hating the hateful

Monday 14-May-2007

For  several days now the global  Zionist  media  has been waging a vitriolic campaign  of vilification against Palestinians for running a children show on  a private TV station in Gaza which allegedly incites for hatred against Israel.

One excited CNN correspondent in Jerusalem reported a few days ago that she was deeply disgusted by the show called Tomorrow’s Pioneers for glorifying the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli apartheid regime.

Normally CNN and similar Zionist mouthpieces don’t bother giving context to stories that might prompt viewers to ask questions about why Israelis are hated by Palestinians and the bulk of the civilized world.

Well does Israel really expect her Palestinian victims to love their tormentors and persecutors?

Israel after all stole their country destroyed their homes bulldozed their farms obliterated their villages from time immemorial from the face of earth. Moreover  Israel ravaged their lives murdered their children bombed their schools poisoned their water savaged them in ways unseen since Hitler’s armies rampaged through Europe more than sixty years ago.

And at the top of  all of this Israel banished the bulk of the Palestinian people  to the four corners of the globe where many of them are living the life of dogs in squalid filthy refugee camps in Jordan Lebanon Syria and other parts of the Middle East.

It is really hard to believe that the Israelis are surprised to have found out that they are hated so much by Palestinians.

Well can’t these callous unethical Zionists bring themselves to understand that when people are tormented hurt coerced and denied basic human rights they will hate their oppressors?

Even today the Israeli savagery wreaked on Palestinians by the Gestapo-like Israeli army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists euphemistically known as settlers is making it virtually impossible for any dignified Palestinian to see any shred of humanity in Israeli behavior.

Indeed how can there be an iota of human decency in  continuously narrowing the horizons of million of  human beings and herding them inside huge detention camps without food without work and without hope?

A few days ago an Israeli soldier shot a 7-month-old fetus right in its mother’s tomb at a refugee camp in Nablus. To be sure the woman was not on her way to carry out a “suicide bombing” nor did she pose any threat to the security of the rampaging soldiers as she was simply standing in her living room when she was shot in the lower part of her body.

Two weeks ago another Zionist hero shot and murdered a 17-year-old Palestinian high school student who was due to take the Tawjihi matriculation exam three weeks from now.

Again the student was studying in the privacy of her room and in no way posed any threat or risk to these terrorist reptiles who think that non-Jewish lives are worthless and expendable.

So once again why should anybody expect the Palestinians not to hate their tormentors and child killers?

It is really hard to list all the nefarious  acts and actions perpetrated by Zionists against the Palestinians which make the latter hate the former.

Similarly it is hard to find a single Palestinian who has not had a traumatic experience at the hands of Israeli army terrorists (I say terrorists not soldiers because an army that murders children knowingly and deliberately and lies about the murder is not an army of  real soldiers but an army of thugs child-killers and common criminals)?

So how about Palestinian kids who return home from school only to see their homes being bulldozed by Israeli bulldozers driven by Jewish soldiers?

How about Palestinian children who have seen their friends and classmates sitting next to them in the classroom being hunted down in cold blood by a Jewish sniper’s bullets? Are these kids expected to love Israel and love Jews?

How about  those Palestinian children who are routinely terrorized by Jewish soldiers raiding their homes in the quiet hours before dawn and  made to watch Gestapo-like soldiers brutalize beat and humiliate their fathers before their eyes? Are those supposed to love Israel?

And how about kids whose entire families have been exterminated by the most moral army in the world? Are they supposed to love Israel?

Finally let us be frank and honest. Don’t Jews hate the Palestinians even more than the Palestinians hate Jews?

Moreover are Jewish cultural and religious traditions rife with love for the enemies of the Jews?  Does Judaism say “love thy enemy?

Don’t Jews hate and curse Hamman to this day during the Purim holiday?

In short Zionist Jews are the last people on earth who are morally fit to lecture humanity let alone the Palestinians their enduring victims on the virtues of love and the evils of hate.

After all who more than Zionists embodies the evils of hate in our time?

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