Mon 16-September-2024

Adhan ban

Israeli authorities to approve 20 projects for settlers in J’lem

The Israeli district planning and building committee in Occupied Jerusalem intends on Wednesday to discuss procedures for approving and executing 20 Judaization and settlement projects in the holy city.

Palestinian factions condemn cutting off Bishop Hanna’s salary

Palestinian factions have condemned the decision of the Greek Patriarch Theophilos to cut off the salary of Palestinian archbishop Atallah Hanna due to his outspokenness and principled stances on Palestinian rights.

Ministry: 48 Israeli Adhan bans slapped on Ibrahimi Mosque in November

95 Israeli violations against Palestinian holy sites and 48 bans on Adhan (Muslim call to prayers) at al-Ibrahimi Mosque were documented last November a Palestinian ministry report said Monday.

Israeli Knesset postpones Adhan ban bill vote

The Israeli Knesset decided Wednesday to postpone voting on Adhan ban bill till next Monday.

Hacktivists broadcast Adhan on Israeli channels

Anonymous hacktivists on Tuesday evening managed to take over the airwaves of Israel’s channels 2 and 10 and broadcast mosque clips accompanied by sounds of Adhan (call to prayer) and anti-Israel remarks.

Israeli Knesset to vote Wednesday on Adhan ban bill

The Israeli Knesset is scheduled to vote on Wednesday on Adhan ban bill which was earlier postponed after an appeal submitted by Israeli Health Minister Yakov Litzman Israel Hayom newspaper revealed.

Israeli police forbid ceremony to honor Muezzins Quran memorizers

The Israeli police quelled a ceremony staged by the al-Razi socio-cultural association in cooperation with the Commission of Sit-inners in Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel Cannot Silence Prayer Calls

In a succession of events that indicated major coordination between various Israeli government offices Jewish settler groups and the municipality of Jerusalem Israel recently moved to outlaw the Muslim call for prayer first in Jerusalem then in other Arab areas inside Israel.

Hamas hails Christians for reciting Adhan in churches

The Israeli desire to quash Adhan (Muslim call to prayers) in the occupied Palestinian territories shall never see the day political bureau member of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahhar said hailing Christians for reciting Adhan in churches.

Gaza schools intone Adhan in response to Israeli ban

All schools in the blockaded Gaza Strip recited Adhan (Muslim call to prayer) via school loudspeakers on Wednesday in response to the Israeli Adhan ban bid.