Tue 2-July-2024

Assassination policy

Israeli soldiers assassinate two Palestinians in Tulkarem

Two Palestinian young men were cold-bloodedly killed by Israeli undercover soldiers in northern Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank on Monday night.

Hezbollah fighters assassinated by Israeli drone in Lebanon

Two Hezbollah resistance fighters were killed on Sunday when an Israeli army drone bombed their vehicle in south Lebanon, local security sources said.

Nunu: Israel’s assassination threats do not scare our leaders

Taher al-Nunu, media advisor to Hamas’s political bureau chief, has said that the Israeli threat to assassinate the Movement’s leaders at home and abroad reflects “the political and military impasse the enemy suffers from."

The IOF shoots, kills two Palestinians in al-Khalil

IOF assassinates two Palestinians in Qalqilya

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) assassinated two Palestinian citizens after storming the West Bank City of Qalqilya on Monday morning.

Two Palestinians shot killed in Jericho Tulkarem

Israeli special forces assassinated a 'wanted' Palestinian man after breaking into Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho on Friday morning. Another young man succumbed to his gunshot wounds.

IOA kills another Palestinian prisoner in its jails

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has accused the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) of assassinating 38-year-old Thaer Abu Asab a resident of Qalqilya in the Negev jail.

What lies behind Israel’s latest advocacy for targeted assassinations?

Three days after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Israel announced the targeted assassination of two senior Hamas officials Jawad Abu Shmala and Zakaria Abu Muammar who were responsible for finance and internal relations respectively.

Factions: We’ll respond strongly to any Israeli assassination attempt

Palestinian resistance factions have warned that the Israeli occupation state’s threats to assassinate any of their leaders will trigger an all-out confrontation with it vowing to make it pay dearly if it carried out such threats.

Senior fighter of Arin al-Osoud assassinated in Nablus

A senior member of the Arin al-Osoud (Lions' Den) armed group was assassinated early Sunday in a booby-trapped bomb blast in Nablus City north of the occupied West Bank.

Haneyya warns of dire consequences if Israel assassinates leaders

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has warned of dire consequences if the Israeli occupation state resumed its assassination of Palestinian leaders.