Thu 19-September-2024

Detained children

IOF kidnaps W. Bank teen accused of stabbing settlers

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Thursday afternoon kidnaped a Palestinian teenager accused of carrying out a stabbing attack several months ago in Azzun town east of Qalqilya in the West Bank.

Israel to ban presence of minors with their representatives in jails

The Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) has warned that the Israeli prison service (IPS) intends to extract an official decision to jail Palestinian minors separately from the adult prisoners who represent and take care of them.

Palestinian child in solitary confinement for 27 days

A Palestinian child has been locked up in an isolation cell in the Israeli jail of Ofek for 27 days to punish him for refusing to be incarcerated with Israeli criminal detainees.

33 children relocated to Damon jail suffer maltreatment

33 Palestinian minors has been suffering from harsh incarceration conditions and maltreatment since they were transferred recently from Ofer to Damon jail without being accompanied by their representatives (adult prisoners).

Israeli jailers insist on transferring juveniles without adult escort

The Israeli administration of Ofer jail told Palestinian prisoners who represent detained minors that it would transfer 34 juveniles on Monday to Damon jail without adult escort.

IPS to transfer 60 minors from Ofer jail without adult escort

The Israeli prison service (IPS) on Saturday told Palestinian adult prisoners who represent minors in Ofer jail that they would not be allowed to accompany about 60 juvenile prisoners to be transferred on Sunday to Damon jail.

Israeli police kidnap child his mother in Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday morning kidnaped a Palestinian child and his mother from their home in Issawiya district east Jerusalem.

Two Palestinians kids in Israeli administrative detention

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs said that two Palestinian kids under age 18 are in administrative detention with no indictment or trial in Megiddo jail.

Israeli police kidnap Palestinian child in Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation police on Saturday kidnaped a Palestinian child from a street in the east Jerusalem district of Issawiya.

Detainees Commission slams Israeli police for summoning 4-year-old

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has denounced the Israeli occupation police for summonsing a four-year-old Palestinian child for interrogation in Jerusalem.