Sat 7-September-2024

Displacement policy

Silwan families urge participation in Friday’s solidarity events

The families of the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan have called on their compatriots in Jerusalem and the 1948 occupied territory (Israel) to observe the Friday khutba (sermon) and prayer and participate in the rally to be held tomorrow in al-Bustan neighborhood.

Settlers storm Sheikh Jarrah threaten to displace families

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Tuesday stormed the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah under police escort and threatened three families with expulsion from their homes.

Israeli municipality summons several Jerusalemite homeowners

Several Palestinian citizens from al-Bustan neighborhood in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan received summonses for questioning from the Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday morning.

Israeli gov’t refuses to give legal opinion on Sheikh Jarrah evictions

Avichai Mendelblit the Israeli government’s attorney general on Monday informed the higher court of justice that he would avoid submitting any recommendation regarding the eviction of Palestinian families from their homes in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in a move that bodes ill for the local residents facing displacement.

IOF displaces 15-member Palestinian family south of al-Khalil

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) dismantled on Monday four tents in south of al-Khalil and confiscated them causing the displacement of a family of 15 including children.

UN demands Israel to cancel forced evictions in east J’lem

The UN has urged Israel to call off any forced evictions in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem warning that its actions could amount to “war crimes.”

22 Palestinians injured others arrested in Sheikh Jarrah

At least 22 Palestinian citizens were injured and five others were arrested on Wednesday evening when Israeli police forces stormed Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem and attacked protesters rallying in solidarity with the families threatened with displacement.

Israeli army to carry out drills in Jordan Valley displace families

The Israeli occupation army on Thursday notified the local residents of Khirbet Humsa al-Fawqa hamlet of its intent to conduct military drills in their area and ordered them to leave their homes next Monday.

IOF displaces Ibziq villagers during Iftar

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday evening stormed the hamlet of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley and embarked on evacuating the local families from their homes by force.

Israel razes Araqib village in Negev for 186th time

The Israeli authorities on Monday demolished all the tents and structures in the Palestinian Bedouin village of Araqib in the Negev desert for the 186th consecutive time displacing its residents.

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