Mon 16-September-2024

Fatah Movement

Israel assassinates Fatah official in southern Lebanon

Israel assassinated a senior member of Fatah movement by targeting his vehicle in an aerial strike in the city of Sidon, in southern Lebanon on Wednesday.

Haneyya receives delegation of Fatah officials in Doha

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya and other top leaders from the Movement held a meeting on Tuesday in Doha with senior Fatah officials Nasser al-Qudwa and Samir al-Mash’harawi.

Badran: Hamas was no party to any talks over Aqaba meeting

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Husam Badran has categorically refuted that there were consultations between his Movement and Fatah before the Aqaba security meeting that was held recently in Jordan belying remarks made in this regard by senior Palestinian Authority official Hussein ash-Sheikh.

Several Palestinians arrested summoned for investigation in O. J’lem

Israeli Intelligence and police forces carried out on Thursday evening a large-scale arrest and summons campaign in Occupied Jerusalem.

Fatah gunmen attack funeral in Lebanon killing three mourners

Three Hamas-affiliated young men were shot dead and at least 10 others including senior Hamas official Zaher Jabbarin were injured when gunmen from the Fatah Movement directly opened fire at a funeral in Burj esh-Shemali refugee camp in Lebanon.

Haneyya meets wife of leader Marwan Barghouti in Cairo

Chairman of Hamas Movement's political bureau Ismail Haneyya received Thursday the wife of the imprisoned prominent Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti Fadwa Barghouti in Cairo.

Hamas and Fatah leaders to hold follow-up meeting in Turkey

Senior Hamas and Fatah officials are slated to meet today September 22 in Turkey to discuss the efforts being made to execute the outcome of the factions’ meeting that was held concurrently in Ramallah and Beirut in early September.

Fatah official condemns participation of US consul in PCC meeting

The US consul's participation in the opening session of the Palestinian Central Council (PCC) has sparked a major split among Fatah leaders who considered this step a dangerous reverse in the Palestinian Authority's decision to halt ties with the US.

Fatah holds Israel responsible for reactions to its crimes

Munir Al Jaghoub Head of the media office of Fatah’s Mobilization and Organization Commission said: “Israel alone is responsible for Palestinian reactions to the crimes of the occupation and its aggressions against the Palestinian people.”

Hamas: Fatah Central Committee participates in tightening Gaza siege

Hamas Movement slammed Fatah Central Committee for its “irresponsible positions” towards Gaza Strip.