Wed 3-July-2024

Home demolition

Israeli municipality razes homes displace family in J’lem

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Tuesday morning displaced Palestinian citizens from the same family after demolishing their makeshift homes in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan.

IOF maps homes in W. Bank

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday morning stormed az-Zawiya town in the west of Salfit took measurements of two homes and searched others.

Ir Amim: 2020 is record year for Israeli demolitions in J’lem

Despite two months still left in the year 2020 has surpassed previous years with a record total number of Israeli home demolitions in east Jerusalem Ir Amim an Israeli activist group said in a report released recently.

Israeli authorities force Palestinian to demolish his home in Tira

Israeli authorities on Sunday forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own house in al-Tira City in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948.

Three Palestinian homes demolished in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation authorities on Wednesday morning destroyed the homes of two Palestinian families and forced a third family to carry out a self-demolition in Jerusalem.

IOA orders Jerusalemite families to demolish their homes

Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Monday ordered two Palestinian families to demolish their houses in Silwan town south of Jerusalem City.

IOF demolishes home cuts down olive trees in Salfit

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday morning demolished a house and cut down dozens of olive trees in Salfit north of the West Bank.

Israeli authorities demolish Palestinian home in Lod

Israeli authorities on Thursday demolished a Palestinian home in Lod City in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948.

IOF demolishes seven Palestinian homes

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday demolished seven Palestinian homes in the Negev Jerusalem and the West Bank.

New home demolitions in Negev and Jerusalem

Israeli occupation authorities on Thursday demolished two Palestinian homes in az-Zarnouq village in the Negev and ordered the demolition of a third one in Jerusalem.