Sun 30-June-2024


Spain to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

Spain has requested on Friday evening to join the case filed by South Africa at the International Court of Justice, which accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention in its war on the Gaza Strip.

Karim Khan: No one has a license to commit war crimes

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, affirmed on Sunday that no one has a license to commit war crimes or crimes against humanity.

GMO welcomes ICC arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant

The Government Media Office (GMO) in the Gaza Strip has welcomed the decision taken by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants against Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu and his war minister Yoav Gallant over their responsibility for the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

Hamas slams Khan’s bias, demands ICC to issue arrest warrants against all Israeli war criminals

The Hamas Movement slammed the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, for his bias to Israel, urging the ICC to issue arrest warrants against Israeli war criminals including leaders, officers and soldiers who are involved in the war crimes committed against the Palestinian people.

South Africa: We will not forget about the Palestinians

South Africa: We will not forget about the Palestinians

South Africa on Wednesday sought to shore up support for a case of genocide it has filed against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), saying it was in response to "Israeli crimes" in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas calls on ICC to hold Israeli war criminals accountable

The Hamas Movement has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to hold Israeli war criminals accountable for their crimes in Gaza and prevent them from escaping punishment.

Hamas condemns ICC Prosecutor’s bias towards Israeli false narrative

The Hamas Movement has slammed the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan over his visit to Israel on Sunday to inspect October 7 attack sites, without bothering to visit the Gaza Strip and listen to the other party.

Five countries ask ICC to probe war crimes in Gaza

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced that it received referrals from five states seeking an investigation into Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

Monitor: Khan’s ceremonial visit does not help in halting the genocide

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor criticized the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan’s visit to the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza.

Gaza MPs file complaint with ICC against Israeli siege

Palestinian Arab and European lawyers on behalf of Palestinian lawmakers have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague Netherlands against the Israeli occupation state and its inhumane blockade on the Gaza Strip.

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