Sat 21-September-2024

Jordan Valley

Jewish settlers attack Bedouins in Jordan Valley

A horde of fanatic Jewish settlers threatened Palestinian Bedouins in Khilat Hamad hamlet in the Northern Jordan Valley to assault them once again if they grazed their cattle on Sunday in nearby pastures.

IOA notifies halting construction of 16 facilities in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) ordered halting the construction of nearly 16 Palestinian facilities including houses and sheds in the northern Jordan Valley on Sunday.

IOF confiscates vehicles and bulldozers in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) confiscated on Monday Palestinian drilling equipment and bulldozers in the northern Jordan Valley to prevent the construction of a farm road and threatened to arrest citizens if the work continued.

IOF raids Bedouin hamlet in Jordan Valley kidnaps two citizens

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday stormed al-Hadidiya hamlet in the Northern Jordan Valley in the West Bank brutalized its residents and set up ambushes on roads leading to it.

Israeli army scours J.Valley as anti-occupation boys seize machinegun

The Israeli occupation army on Thursday scoured the northern Jordan Valley as they chased down Palestinian anti-occupation youths who allegedly stole a machinegun from an Israeli military camp.

Israeli forces destroy European-funded water pipeline in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday morning destroyed a pipeline supplying water to Palestinian Bedouin communities to the east of Tubas in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli army attacks peaceful protest in Jordan Valley

Scores of Palestinian activists and journalists suffered injuries on Thursday afternoon when Israeli soldiers attacked them during a peaceful protest rally against the establishment of a new settlement outpost on Palestinian land in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli army displaces 18 Bedouin families for military drills

The Israeli army on Wednesday displaced 15 Palestinian Bedouin families from their homes in Ibziq hamlet in the northern Jordan Valley.

15 Palestinian families forced out of their homes in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation army on Tuesday ordered 15 Palestinian families to evacuate their homes in the northern Jordan Valley for a couple of days for military drills.

Israeli army drills wreak havoc in Bedouin areas of Jordan Valley

The Israeli army caused widespread damage to cultivated plots of land and pastures in different Palestinian hamlets of the northern Jordan Valley during the large-scale military drills which it carried out on Thursday.