Sun 7-July-2024

Palestinian elections

Hamas civil society leaders discuss ways to hold successful elections

The Hamas Movement has discussed with heads and officials of Palestinian civil society institutions the ways to make the Palestinian elections a success and create the atmosphere to achieve that.

Mladenov praises Hamas’s election efforts

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov has hailed Hamas's positive attitude and keenness on the success of the Palestinian elections.

Qaraawi calls for providing appropriate climate for elections

Palestinian lawmaker Fathi Qaraawi has called for providing favorable conditions in the Palestinian arena for the success of any elections.

Hamas reiterates readiness for elections

The Hamas Movement has informed that the Central Elections Commission that it is ready for the holding of comprehensive elections.

Hayya: Hamas welcomes the holding of comprehensive elections

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Khalil al-Hayya has reiterated his Movement’s firm position on the need to hold comprehensive elections in order to rebuild the Palestinian political system.

Hayya reasserts Hamas’s readiness for comprehensive elections

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Khalil al-Hayya has reiterated his Movement’s acceptance of the factions’ initiative to end the inter-Palestinian division and its readiness to participate in comprehensive elections.

Qabha: Elections need national and healthy atmospheres

Senior Hamas official Wasfi Qabha has warned that the holding of Palestinian elections with no national consensus would perpetuate the inter-Palestinian division.

Hamas: We are ready for comprehensive general elections

The Hamas Movement has announced its acceptance of calls for holding a comprehensive general elections for the presidency the Palestinian Legislative Council and the National Council.

Hamas: National unity gov’t should supervise elections

The Hamas Movement on Saturday said it had informed Hanna Naser head of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission that it would accept the holding of presidential and legislative elections if they were supervised by a national unity government.