Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian workmen

Israeli forces beat injure Palestinian worker

Israeli forces on Saturday assaulted a Palestinian young man in his workplace in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.

Palestinian worker dies in Israeli police chase

A Palestinian worker from Qabatiya town in Jenin died on Tuesday morning during an Israeli police chase in the Arab town of Arrabat al-Bottuf in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.

Injuries reported as Israeli forces assault Palestinian workers

Israeli occupation forces violently beat up and injured a number of Palestinian workers at Checkpoint 300 set up at the main entrance to Bethlehem in the southern occupied West Bank.

Extremist Israeli settlers attack Palestinian workers

A horde of fanatic Israeli settlers attacked at noontime Saturday members of the Palestinian municipality in al-Khalil’s Old City in the southern occupied West Bank.

85 Palestinian workers arbitrarily arrested by Israeli police

Israeli police troops on Sunday arrested 85 Palestinian workers in territories occupied in 1984.

Calls launched for mass-participation in Friday protests

The High Coordination Committee of the Great March of Return called for a large-scale participation in the protests set to be staged on Friday to speak up for the rights of Palestinian workers and denounce the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

Palestine workers: Persistent hardships

Every year May Day passes without bringing about change to Palestinian workers who are trapped behind walls siege and occupation wishing to live a better and dignified life the same as the rest of the workers of the world do.

Israeli police step up crakdowns against Palestinian workers

The Israeli police continue to chase down Palestinian workers in territories occupied in 1948 (Israel).

5 Palestinian workers kidnapped by Israeli forces

Five Palestinian workers were kidnapped on Monday evening by the Israeli forces from 1948 Occupied Palestine (Israel) on claims that they did not hold visas and work permits.

Palestinian worker injured by Israeli forces east of Bethlehem

A Palestinian worker was shot and injured by the Israeli occupation forces near Dar Salah town east of Bethlehem.