Thu 19-September-2024

Political detainees

PA security forces bar Alaa Basheer from seeing family lawyer

Human rights activist Suha Jabara said that the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces in the West Bank prevent political prisoner Alaa Basheer from seeing her family or lawyer.

PA persists in detaining citizens illegally during Ramadan

With no regard for the holy month of Ramadan the Palestinian Authority (PA) continued to carry out political arrests in the West Bank kidnapping an ex-detainee and summoning another.

PA refuses to release 4 political prisoners

The PA security forces continued to hold four political prisoners despite a court decision ordering their immediate release.

Political prisoner’s mother declares hunger strike

The mother of the political prisoner Qutaiba Azem held in PA prisons for more than a month declared Friday an open hunger strike in protest against his illegal detention.

Mother and wife of political prisoner in PA jail go on hunger strike

The mother of political prisoner Abdul-Rahman Shahin and his wife have gone on open-ended hunger strike until the Palestinian Authority (PA) release him from its jail in Salfit.

Suha Jbara in Palestinian Authority prisons for 57th day

The Palestinian Authority security services continue to detain the Palestinian activist Suha Jbara for the 57th day in a row despite her worsening health condition.

Amnesty: PA tortures activist punishes her for hunger strike

Amnesty International has urged the Palestinian Authority to “urgently investigate” the alleged torture of Suha Jbara a joint Palestinian US and Panamanian citizen who has testified that she was “beaten slammed against a wall and threatened with sexual violence by her interrogators”.

Health of Suha Jabara worsens due to torture and hunger strike

The health condition of Palestinian mother Suha Jabara a detainee in a Palestinian Authority (PA) jail has seriously deteriorated due to her exposure to torture and her hunger strike for about 12 days according to a family source.

Sit-in to be staged in Ramallah to demand release of Suha Jabara

A protest sit-in will be organized on Saturday afternoon in Ramallah to demand the release of political detainee Suha Jabara a mother of three kids from a Palestinian Authority (PA) jail.

PA security persists in detaining citizens illegally

In the context of their security cooperation with the Israeli occupation state the Palestinian Authority (PA) security agencies persist in detaining citizens illegally with no indictment or trial.