Sun 8-September-2024

Solidarity event

Hundreds attend a London rally in support of Jenin

More than one thousand British citizens staged a massive rally in central London on Wednesday evening in protest against the Israeli military's recent raid on the West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp.

Dozens of buses from 1948 occupied Palestine arrive in J’lem

Several buses carrying Palestinian citizens from 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) arrived on Saturday morning in Jerusalem to support the Jerusalemites’ steadfastness in the face of Israeli violations.

Massive marches held in Iran to mark Int’l Quds Day

Millions of Iranians took to the streets on Friday morning across the country to mark the International Quds Day (Jerusalem Day) in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their national cause.

Palestinians in Gaza rally in support of West Bank Jerusalem

Hundreds of Palestinians participated in a massive rally in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday in support of Palestinian resistance fighters in occupied Jerusalem and West Bank and to celebrate the 35th founding anniversary of Hamas Movement.

African activists meet in Dakar to rally support for Palestine

Activists from across Africa are gathering in the Senegalese capital Dakar from 10 to 12 March to mobilize support for the Palestinian liberation struggle and strategize against Israeli apartheid under the theme: “From Africa to Palestine United against Apartheid.”

Arab MKs 300 peace activists attend solidarity event in Burin

Dozens of peace activists have participated in planting dozens of olive trees alongside Palestinian farmers in Burin town south of Nablus on Friday.

Art exhibition shows solidarity with Palestinians

The Mobile Atelier Society in cooperation with the Kudsi Association Knowledge for Heritage and Culture has launched an art exhibition titled “Brush and Cause” to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause.

Scout camps in northern Syria named after “Sword of Jerusalem” battle

The Sword of Jerusalem battle which the Palestinian resistance fought about three months ago against the Israeli occupation has constituted a historic turning point not only at the internal Palestinian level but also at the international level where it has become a beacon for many free people and believers in the resistance option around the world.

Largest pro-Palestine march in British history

Holding Palestinian flags and placards in the pouring rain tens of thousands of people on Saturday descended on the streets of central London to protest against Israeli attacks in Gaza and the rest of historic Palestine.

Friday prayer held on lands threatened with confiscation

Dozens of Palestinian citizens in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil performed Friday prayer on lands threatened with confiscation in the Ein al-Bayda area.