Sun 7-July-2024


UNESCO adopts another resolution denying any Jewish link to al-Aqsa

United Nations Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) on Wednesday morning approved a resolution that denies Jewish ties to al-Aqsa Mosque.

UNESCO Resolution on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Death of Shimon Peres

‘While the resolution will unlikely alter the nature of the conflict fundamentally it rejects – legally and morally – all Israeli efforts aimed at denying the rights of Muslims – and Christians – in their city.

Hamas calls for pressing Israel to respect UNESCO’s resolution

The Hamas Movement has appealed to the international community to pressure Israel to recognize the UNESCO’s resolution on the Aqsa Mosque and stop its violations against it.

Hamas: Ki-moon violates UN resolutions to please Israel

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced outgoing UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon for criticizing the UNESCO’s approval of a resolution on Tuesday confirming that the Aqsa Mosque is a purely Islamic heritage landmark.

Hamas welcomes UNESCO final vote

Hamas Movement welcomed on Tuesday UNESCO final vote on Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Mosque.

UNESCO adopts a final decision on Jerusalem

UNESCO adopted Tuesday a final decision that denied any Jewish connection to the Aqsa Mosque compound and the Western Wall (al-Buraq Wall) and their surrounding areas.

UNESCO to hold new vote on Jerusalem resolution

The UNESCO Administrative Committee is expected to hold a new vote Tuesday on Jerusalem resolution that was adopted by the UN agency last week.

Jerusalemite researcher calls for supporting UNESCO decision

The researcher in settlement and Jerusalemite affairs Jamal Amr called on Arab and Islamic countries to support UNESCO recent decision denying Jewish ties to the holy al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israel exerts pressure to cancel UNESCO’s vote

Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board Michael Worbs said communications have been underway to reach a consensus over a recent resolution denying Jewish ties to the holy al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hamas levels heavy criticism at Bokova over al-Aqsa resolution

Hamas on Saturday leveled heavy criticism at Irina Bokova UNESCO Director-General after she distanced herself from Thursday's vote on al-Aqsa Mosque.