Thu 24-October-2024

The story of Palestine’s Land Day

The story of Palestine’s Land Day:

March 30 19767: Israel confiscated vast areas of Palestinian lands in occupied Galilee sparking Palestinian anger.

Palestinians declared general strike and took to the streets in mass protests against Israeli theft and colonialism.

The protests were met with VIOLENCE and SUPPRESSION.

Israeli forces shot and killed 6 Palestinian protesters and injured hundreds.

Henceforth March 30 has been known as Palestine Land Day.

Palestinians mark Land Day each year by protests activities and initiatives demanding their Right of Return.

Palestinians also renew calls to hold Israel accountable.

In 2018 Gaza marked the Land Day by launching the Great Return March (GRM).

Hundreds of thousands marched toward the borders with occupied Palestine.

Israel met the marchers with gunfire and violence killing 306 Palestinians between March 2018 and June 2019.
Palestinian ministry of health

12 women and 56 children were among the victims.
Palestinian ministry of health

156 of those Israel injured live with disabilities. Israeli snipers shot to kill and maim.

Land Day represents a turning point in the Palestinian struggle against Israeli imperialism.

Land Day is also a powerful reminder of Israel’s illegal theft and ongoing injustices.


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