Wed 26-June-2024

Ministry of Health: 22,438 martyrs, 57,000+ wounded in the Israeli ongoing aggression

Thursday 4-January-2024


Israeli occupation forces committed 13 massacres against Palestinian families, resulting in the death of 125 citizens and 318 injuries in the past 24 hours in the Gaza Strip.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Ashraf al-Qudra, stated in a press conference on the 90th day of the brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip Thursday that the death toll of the Israeli aggression since last October 7th has risen to 22,438 martyrs and 57,614 injuries.

He confirmed that 70% of the victims of the Israeli aggression are children and women. He pointed out that Israeli violations against the health system have led to the martyrdom of 326 health personnel and the destruction of 121 ambulances.

Al-Qudra affirmed that the Israeli occupation army deliberately targeted 150 health institutions, causing 30 hospitals and 53 health centers to go out of service in all areas of the Gaza Strip.

He said, “The Israeli occupation army still detains 99 health personnel, including hospital directors in northern Gaza, in oppressive and inhumane conditions and subjected to physical and psychological torture and starvation.”

He warned that the criminal behavior of the Israeli occupation forces poses a threat to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital and the Al-Awda Hospital in the central region.

The spokesman warned that the Nasser Medical Complex and the Al-Amal Hospital, operated by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Khan Yunis, are repeatedly targeted and are in danger.

He called on international institutions to urgently act to protect hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip, secure the arrival of the wounded and patients to them, and ensure that the scenario of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex is not repeated.

He underlined that during the continuous Israeli aggression for the past three months, the infrastructure of hospitals in Gaza and northern Gaza was deliberately destroyed, revealing ongoing efforts with the World Health Organization and partner institutions to carry out urgent interventions to operate the services of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex and the health system in northern Gaza, provide medication, fuel, and protection for it and its staff, and secure access routes to serve the needs of 800,000 people.

Al-Qudra called on international institutions to send medical teams and field hospitals and ensure their access to all areas of the Gaza Strip to save thousands of wounded.

He pointed out that 1.9 million displaced people are exposed to famine, the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases, lack of shelter, water, food, and medicine.

He warned of a health and humanitarian catastrophe that cannot be described or tolerated in the city of Rafah after more than half of the population of the Gaza Strip has been displaced to it under harsh conditions of the collapse of health and environmental services and the absence of the minimum living conditions.

Al-Qudra called on international institutions to create effective mechanisms to ensure the performance of their required humanitarian tasks to prevent the humanitarian, health, and environmental catastrophe in the shelters and provide proper healthcare and food for children, pregnant women, and patients with chronic diseases.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Health has been able to establish 35 medical points with limited resources to provide health care for the displaced in Rafah shelters, and it is working with its partners to establish more medical points in the central area, Khan Yunis, and Rafah.

The spokesman emphasized that the low level of entry of medical aid into the Gaza Strip confirms that the Israeli occupation uses it as a weapon to kill the wounded, calling on various parties to create effective and capable mechanisms to respond to the urgent and immediate needs to save the lives of thousands of wounded and patients.

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