Thu 19-September-2024

March held in Nablus over Israel’s murder of wheel-chaired protester

Friday 29-December-2017

A march was staged in Nablus on Thursday by the General Union of Persons with Disabilities to protest the U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Israel’s cold-blooded execution of wheel-chaired Ibrahim Abu Thuraya.

Member of the union’s administrative board Emad Lubada said wheel-chaired Abu Thuraya killed by the occupation army in protests held near Gaza borders a couple of weeks earlier is an icon of the anti-occupation uprising.

The activist stressed Palestinians’ firm rejection of Trump’s Jerusalem move saying the holy city will forever remain Palestine’s eternal capital.

Member of the Committee to Coordinate between National Faction Emad al-Deen Eshteiwi lauded the iron will and strong-determination displayed by the persons with disabilities in the occupied Palestinian territories and their commitment to defend their land and speak up for their cause.

Eshteiwi further hailed Abu Thuraya whom he said stood firm to the Israeli colonizers.

Eshteiwi urged the national and international human rights bodies to take legal action over Israel’s extra-judicial murder of Abu Thuraya.

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