Sat 21-September-2024

IOA orders halt of house construction in Bethlehem

Monday 11-June-2018

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) ordered on Monday a halt on the construction of a Palestinian house in al-Khader town south of Bethlehem.

Anti-settlement activist Ahmad Salah told Quds Press that the so-called Civil Administration crews accompanied by Israeli military vehicles stormed al-Khader town and ordered the construction work in the house of the Palestinian citizen Majdy Issa to stop.

Salah said that the IOA issued another stop-work order against an agricultural facility in the town under the pretext of being built without an Israeli permit.

Al-Khader town is located in Area C which is exclusively administered by Israel and the Palestinian citizens are rarely allowed to build in that area.

The Israeli authorities regularly target the Palestinian houses in Area C which covers 60% of the West Bank lands with demolition in an attempt to tighten their control over the area and push the Palestinians living there to leave.

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