Mon 8-July-2024

Arab foreign ministers to hold emergency meeting on Gaza

Thursday 17-May-2018

The Arab League on Thursday will hold an emergency meeting at the level of foreign ministers to counter the Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people.

The meeting which will be held upon the request of Saudi Arabia currently chairs the Arab summit will also discuss means to confront the illegal decision of the US administration to move its embassy to the occupied holy city of Jerusalem.

Hossam Zaki the League’s deputy secretary general said the meeting would contain “the strongest political positions… in support of the Palestinian resistance and against the American decision” to recognise the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Israel has come under international pressure after its border forces on Monday killed some 60 Palestinians protesting against the transfer the same day of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

More than 100 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli snipers in seven weeks of protests calling for the right of return.

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