Sun 15-September-2024

Victim of Israeli occupation crimes

Saturday 12-May-2018

In the same area manner and timing almost a new massacre was about to happen in the village of Duma to the south of the city of Nablus at the hands of Israeli gangs who infiltrated under the cover of the night to the village to spread havoc death and terror among people exactly the same as they did to the family of Dawabsha years ago.

Time was pointing towards two and a half AM when everyone at the burned house smelled smoke and flames of fire. Some parts of the house caught fire as a result of that crime forcing citizen Yasser Dawabsha to destroy one of the walls of the house made of gypsum to survive death and run along with his wife and kids for their own lives.

Dawabsha stressed to the PIC that only care of God prevented their death as a result of fire that the house caught which was similar to what happened to his relatives three years ago.

The fingerprints of the occupation
Dawabsha added “Once I woke up to the smell of smoke I immediately recalled what happened to my relatives who were burned alive and the scene of the child Ahmad Dawabsha half burned came to my mind. He is still suffering from the burns. Thus I evacuated everyone in the house to a safer place.”

Dawabsha says that the fingerprints of the occupation are present in the crime noting “What happened to my family would happen to everyone in the village especially after the first crime of burning (the Dawabsha family alive) and the attempts made by Israeli settlers during the last three years to burn more houses both in our town and elsewhere.”

Family sources told the PIC reporter: “What happened to Yasser Dawabsha and the details of the crime confirm that what happened was an Israeli crime because he had no enemies and he was loved by everyone. His house is located in the middle of the town and the way it was burned confirms that were Israeli hands involved – if not the settlers the Israeli intelligence- to spread instability in the village which refuses to be humiliated and that resists settlers’ attempts to control its land.”

Lack of protection
Family sources expressed their discontent with the way the Palestinian Authority is dealing with the village especially after the series of crimes committed against the village in recent years and the PA’s false promises to give the village more protection and to expose the occupation and its crimes which have been taking place.

A young man who asked to be identified only by his initials (Q D) told the PIC reporter: “The PA is a partner in such crimes by neglecting the village and disrupting the protection committees established in the villages.”

He continued: “In most villages south of Nablus protection committees were formed but due to the practices of Fatah faction (main component of the Palestinian Authority government) and the security services they have been thwarted directly and indirectly to the extent that most of the villages are now at the risk of settlers. What happened in the past few months and what happens in Duma now is the best proof for this.”

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