Fri 20-September-2024

Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Wednesday 3-November-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for different periods in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

Prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous from Dura town in al-Khalil is considered the longest hunger striker as he has been on hunger strike for 112 days.

The other hunger-striking administrative detainees are Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Ayyad al-Harimi and Louay al-Ashqar. They have been on hunger strike for 105 88 78 42 and 24 days respectively.

Most of the hunger strikers especially Fasfous and Qawasmeh suffer from life-threatening health issues due to their protracted hunger strike according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs.

The Commission recently accused the Israeli occupation authority of trying to kill the hunger strikers slowly instead of taking a decision ending their administrative detention.

In a related context prisoner Rateb Heribat has been on hunger strike for 26 days in solidarity with the hunger strikers.

In another statement the Commission of Detainees said that cancer-stricken prisoner Muwafaq Arouk 78 suffers from serious health complications threatening his life.

Prisoner Arouk who had his stomach and a large part of his intestine removed in early February 2020 has been suffering since the surgery from severe pains high temperature and a considerable drop in body weight and he can only eat and drink using a tube going through a surgical opening in his abdominal area according to the Commission

Israeli doctors had discovered that Arouk had cancer in the liver and stomach in July 2019 but the Israeli prison service kept stalling his transfer to a special hospital to receive chemotherapy until November of the same year which aggravated his condition.

Arouk a 78-year-old from the 1948 occupied lands has been in jail since 2003 serving a 30-year term.

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Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Sunday 17-October-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for different periods in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

Prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous from Dura town in al-Khalil is considered the longest hunger striker as he has been on hunger strike for 95 days.

The other hunger-striking administrative detainees are Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Shadi Abu Aker and Ayyad al-Harimi. They have been on hunger strike for 88 71 62 54 and 25 days respectively.

As for prisoner Khalil Abu Arram he has been on hunger strike in Ashkelon jail for seven days in solidarity with the six hunger strikers and prisoners from Islamic Jihad.

Due to their protracted hunger strike the health conditions of the six hunger strikers have reached life-threatening stages according to the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs.

In a related context the Freedoms Committee an affiliate of the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel organized on Saturday evening a sit-in outside Kaplan Hospital in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel) in solidarity with Miqdad al-Qawasmeh and his fellow hunger strikers.

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Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Sunday 10-October-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for more than one or two months in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

Prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous from Dura town in al-Khalil is considered the longest hunger striker as he has been on hunger strike for 88 days.

The other hunger-striking administrative detainees are Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Rayek Bisharat and Shadi Abu Aker. They have been on hunger strike for 81 64 55 50 and 47 days respectively.

Due to their protracted hunger strike these six prisoners suffer from worsening health conditions and severe physical weakness but the health condition of prisoner Qawasmeh in particular has been described by the Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs as “extremely serious.”

The Israeli higher court of justice recently ordered Qawasmeh’s administrative detention to be frozen but the latter rejected the court decision and affirmed that he would not stop his hunger strike until he was released.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and it is based on alleged secret files.

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Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Saturday 18-September-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for weeks in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

The Commission of Detainees affairs said on Saturday that the prisoners suffer weight loss lack of salt and minerals and extreme fatigue.

The Commission held the Israeli prison service responsible for the prisoners’ lives. It called on the international institutions and NGOs especially the Red Cross to assume their responsibility toward that issue.

The hunger-striking administrative detainees are Kayed al-Fasfous Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Rayek Bisharat and Shadi Abu Aker. They have been on hunger strike for 66 59 41 33 28 and 25 days respectively.

The Israeli occupation authority is holding 550 Palestinian administrative detainees in its prisons with no indictments or trials including a woman and 4 children.

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Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Saturday 11-September-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for weeks in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

The Commission of Detainees affairs said that the prisoners suffer weight loss lack of salt and minerals and extreme fatigue.

The hunger-striking administrative detainees are Kayed al-Fasfous Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Rayek Bisharat and Shadi Abu Aker. They have been on hunger strike for 59 52 34 26 21 and 18 days respectively.

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Six administrative detainees continue hunger strike in Israeli jails

Saturday 4-September-2021

Six Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for several days in protest at their detention administratively with no indictments or trials.

Prisoner Kayed al-Fasfous from Dura town in al-Khalil is considered the longest hunger striker as he has been on hunger strike for 52 days.

The other hunger-striking administrative detainees are Miqdad al-Qawasmeh Alaa al-Araj Hisham Abu Hawash Rayek Bisharat and Shadi Abu Aker. They have been on hunger strike for 45 27 19 14 and 11 days respectively.

Administrative detention is incarceration without trial or charge and is widely used by Israel against the Palestinians solely at the pretext that a person plans to commit a future offense. It has no time limit and it is based on alleged secret files.

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